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Welcome to the backgammon section of ProPlay-Gaming.


Backgammon is the oldest known recorded game in history and is grooving in the online gambling industry. The majority of online backgammon sites are very easy to use, and require only to download simple software that takes a few minutes to download. The backgammon software has state of the art graphics that are simple to learn and follow. All online backgammon sites have explanations and provide backgammon classes for beginners. So good luck - lads go gammon!












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WorldGammon The “PPG Partner” mark means that this gaming software is safe and reliable. ProPlay Gaming gives this software fumes up in regards to the 3 times S, Support, Safety and Stability! This mark is only given to brands that are on the ProPlay-Gaming Partner list. Click the “PPG Go to Site” mark and you will go directly to the brands home page where you can read more and download there software PPG wish that you will enjoy yourself in the online world of gaming.

First Time Deposit Bonus: 100% up to a maximum of 600.













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